Boost Your Motivation With Ajoite

Boost Your Motivation With Ajoite

Boost Your Motivation With Ajoite

Ajoite is a spiritual stone that is known to harness the energy of the Mother Earth. The loving energies emitted from this crystal help to communicate with Spirit and the Angels.
This is a hydrated sodium potassium copper aluminum silicate hydroxide mineral. It also has traces of Manganese, Calcium and Iron Pyrite. It is often blue in color and can be found together with minerals like Shattuckite, Papagoite etc.
This crystal was named after the locality where it was originally found in 1941, which is Ajo, Pima County, Arizona. However, it was not until 1958 that it was originally named Ajoite. Deposits of Ajoite can be found in Arizona, Zimbabwe and South Africa.
This is a crystal that helps you to connect with the divine and bring forth a deeper knowledge and understanding that you can share with others. This stone will remove disharmonious energy from your life and will bring a quiet but wonderful change in your entire body.
This stone has the ability to make you understand the reasons behind past life situations and release old karmic wounds and implants.
On a physical level, ajoite rejuvenates your skin and improves physical vitality. It can boost energy levels and also helps to battle depression and stress. Ajoite is useful for people who suffer from anemia. The healing energies of this stone ease symptoms of PMS and menopause by bringing a balance to the hormones.
Ajoite infuses a person with energies of motivation and inspiration. It aids manifestation by helping you get rid of self-limiting beliefs and anything that is holding you back.
If you are a creative person who uses ideas and emotions to earn a living, then this stone can be a wonderful source of inspiration for you. The soothing appearance of ajoite not only activates ideas within you but also gives you hope that assists in living a better life.

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