Consider Your Crystal Bath With Hematite & Clear Quartz

Consider Your Crystal Bath With Hematite & Clear Quartz

Consider Your Crystal Bath With Hematite & Clear Quartz

Crystal bathing is one of the most popular ways of using crystals for healing. This is a great way of utilizing the stone’s healing properties as this gives you the opportunity to recharge your life force.
When these crystals are used with essential oils and bathing salts, they give you the much-needed boost of positivity and make you feel stable and peaceful. Hematite and Clear quartz are two of the best stones that you can use to have your crystal bath. Let us see their benefits:


The word “hematite” comes from the Greek word “haima” which means blood. This also refers to the red color of this mineral when it is in powdered form. This stone interacts with your root chakra and transforms the negative energies inside your body into positive vibrations that aid in the healing process.
It also results in offering relief from cramps, headaches and damaged or fractured bones. The healing properties of the hematite absorb this stress and help you to remain grounded and at peace. It allows your mind to remain calm in times of stressful situations, thereby maintaining a balanced state.

Clear Quartz

Clear quartz is the most versatile and popular healing stones of all the crystals. Known as the “Stone of Power”, clear quartz has the ability to amplify any energy or intention. This crystal protects against negativity and connects you to your higher self.
It is also said to relieve the pain if placed on the area of discomfort. Clear quartz holds information and is very effective to use when it has been programmed for a specific purpose. It is often used to activate, clear and align all the chakras. This crystal is beneficial for enhancing the connections between the physical and spiritual world.
It is not necessary to soak these crystals in your tub for taking a crystal bath. You can simply place them on the edges of your bathtub or you can hold them on your chakras when you bathe. Whatever you do, these crystals will offer positive results.

Orgonite Crystals is an online store that provides beautifully handcrafted healing crystals & Energy stone products.

Products like orgone pyramids, orgonite pendants, orgonite necklaces, crystal bracelets, dodecahedrons, obelisks, crystal gift sets & so on., you can always visit Orgonite Crystals.
Our highlight is that we provide products at the most affordable rates, helping you fill your life with positivity, along with budget savings.
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