How Amethyst Cures Hangovers and drunkenness

How Amethyst Cures Hangovers and drunkenness

How Amethyst Cures Hangovers and drunkenness

Having a hangover is a common thing after a party. However, the symptoms surrounding this hangover-like headache and nausea tend to bring you down emotionally and physically which might affect your daily work.
Amethyst is one such stone that can be used to cure the hangover. Amethyst is a violet variety of quartz and is one of the most revered stones for ages. The magnificent appearance of amethyst speaks louder than words about its metaphysical properties and its calming and gentle vibrations are known to soothe your mind and body.
This stone is known to relieve every bit of negativity from an individual and promote kindness and compassion inside him. This protective stone also enhances your creativity and offers clarity to your thought process.
Amethyst is found in countries like the USA, Russia, Europe, Africa, Mexico, Canada, Bolivia and Brazil. The name amethyst translates in Greek to “not intoxicated”. They believed that this crystal could inhibit the intoxication of all who wore it.
The ancient Greeks and Romans wore amethyst and made drinking vessels of it in the belief that it could prevent intoxication. Being a stone of the mind, amethyst helps to bring calmness and clarity during complicated situations. This stone helps you to get in touch with your intuition, feelings and values.
Amethyst aids in sobriety – be it alcohol, food, drugs and other addictions. This stone eases the obsessive behavior of an individual and helps to curb down the cravings that lead them to their addictions. It will calm down your anxiety and stress and will aid in getting rid of headaches.
Aside from this, amethyst also helps in curing insomnia which surfaces when you are too drunk. To avoid all this, you can carry a small piece of this stone with you whenever you are going out for a party. You can either carry it in your purse or wallet or you can wear it in the form of jewelry. Either way, this crystal will do its work for you.

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