How To Work With The Energy Of Chrysocolla

How To Work With The Energy Of Chrysocolla

How To Work With The Energy Of Chrysocolla

Chrysocolla is a stone of communication. This crystal encourages you to express yourself freely in front of others without having self-doubt. This is a stone of harmony, both on a universal and specific level. You can use this crystal to remove negativity from a person.
It is a very gentle stone and its energy works in a very gentle and harmonious way. This stone helps to ease your fear, anxiety, guilt and brings hope.
Chrysocolla is a stone that helps you if are in need of a major life transformation. If this crystal has found the way in your life, it is a sign that you could be courting a major case of burnout. The energy of this crystal helps to purify energy fields, which increase your capacity to love.
This crystal empowers the feminine energy in men and women because it’s deeply connected to the vibration of the earth, which vibrates the purest energy of love.
Chrysocolla opens the throat chakra which boosts clear communication and self-expression by drawing negativity from the body. It helps to calm down your mind to soothe the emotional trauma that has occurred in the past.
Everyone suffers from daily stress and worry, a typical cause of communication problems, but this store clears the mind of distracting thoughts and guides us towards higher consciousness.
The calming effect of chrysocolla helps with nervous disorders such as anxiety and depression, feelings of guilt, etc. This stone is also beneficial for women by reducing menstrual pain and helps in promoting a smooth delivery of the baby. This crystal aids digestion and treats problems associated with hip joints and hip replacement, arthritis, and rheumatism.
You can meditate with this crystal and use it to bathe in its powerful energy. It stimulates the initiative qualities of one’s character to release the distress of negative emotions and further the understanding of others.
The self-awareness and inner balance that you receive allows you to enhance your personal power. Keep this crystal in your room where you pray or wear it on you in the form of a locket. Whatever you do, chrysocolla is bound to leave you spellbound with its energies.

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