Citrine: The Super Powerful Crystal to attract wealth

Citrine: The Super Powerful Crystal to attract wealth

Citrine, also known as the “light maker”, is a crystal that has been revered for centuries for bringing wealth and abundance to its user.
This stone has a bright yellow hue which reflects its equally vibrant energy. Citrine carries the powers of the sun, which makes it warm, comforting and energizing.
Citrine stimulates the chakras like the sunlight of spring, and clears your mind of negative thoughts and stirs the soul to action.
This crystal has been used as a decorative gem for thousands of years.
The Greeks and Romans used it in jewellery making and later in the 17th century, Queen Victoria made citrine popular by wearing it as jewellery.
Citrine is a transparent, yellow variety of Quartz and is found in colours ranging from pale to golden yellow, honey or almost brown.
The name comes from the French word citron, meaning lemon.
Citrine is often mistaken as Gold Topaz, Madeira or Safranite because of its colour.
Most of the commercial citrine on the market is heat-treated Amethyst or Smoky quartz which produces and enhanced citrine colour.
The natural citrine is pale yellow in colour.
In the crystal world, citrine is associated with abundance and wealth which is why it is often called as “Merchant’s Stone” or “The Success Stone”.
If your intention involves achieving success in a financial or business venture, this is the best stone for manifestation.
Citrine is also linked with boosting joy and optimism that gives you the motivation to accomplish your goals.
As a professional support stone, citrine improves interactions for those who work in sales, sports, media etc.
This stone strengthens the inner light and sparks creativity and imagination, which makes it ideal for artists.
Natural citrine is known to enhance physical stamina and energy, support the endocrine system and encourage metabolism.
This stone also stimulates digestion, the spleen and pancreas.
Citrine proves to be useful in eliminating infections from the body and also aids in short term memory loss.
The golden rays of citrine stimulate the crown chakra and can be used to channel pure crown energy back to the solar plexus and navel chakra.
This increases clarity of thought, mental focus and stimulates creativity.
Citrine is a stone which is must-have in your healing kit because of the range of healing properties it has to offer to its user.
This stone is indeed a perfect choice for people who wish to bring in wealth and abundance in their lives.
But you have to remember one thing, hard work is a prime necessity if you wish to benefit from this stone.
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