What Does Obsidian Mean? Healing Properties & How To Use Obsidian In Your Everyday Life

What Does Obsidian Mean? Healing Properties & How To Use Obsidian In Your Everyday Life


Obsidian is a powerful stone, and its healing abilities can help you move beyond your fears. If you're wondering what does obsidian mean, this post will tell you everything you need to know about this amazing gemstone, including how to use it for physical and emotional healing.

Obsidian is a type of black volcanic glass.

Obsidian is a type of black volcanic glass that forms when lava cools quickly. It's usually found in volcanic regions and can be found in many colors, including green and red.

Obsidian is often used as an abrasive because it's so hard--it can even cut through diamonds! When you combine its hardness with its ability to absorb energy (or "charge"), it makes an excellent tool for healing purposes.

Obsidian is used for focusing one's intentions and connecting with the Spiritual World.

Obsidian is used for focusing one's intentions and connecting with the Spiritual World. It can be used for meditation and healing, protection, grounding and insight.

Obsidian is a glass-like stone that has been formed by volcanic lava cooling quickly. The most common form of Obsidian found in nature today is glassy black in color but it also comes in shades of brown or greenish gray depending on its mineral content.

Obsidian has powerful healing properties, especially related to trauma.

Obsidian is a powerful stone for healing trauma. It helps you move beyond your fears and into a new life path.

Obsidian can help heal emotional wounds by transmuting negative energy into positive energy, which is then released from the body. This process allows you to let go of old painful emotions that may be holding you back from experiencing joy in your life. It also assists with moving through grief or loss, as well as releasing anger towards others who have hurt you in some way (whether intentionally or not).

Obsidian is a stone that can be used in meditation to allow you to see past issues and old wounds, so you can heal and move on.

Obsidian is a stone that can be used in meditation to allow you to see past issues and old wounds, so you can heal and move on.

Obsidian is a very powerful stone that helps people get in touch with their emotions. It helps them find out what they're feeling, how they are feeling it, why they are feeling it and what needs to be done about it! This is because obsidian represents the Divine Feminine energy which represents our deepest emotions such as love, compassion and empathy towards others as well as ourselves.

If someone has been through trauma (whether physical or emotional) then this will show up within their aura/energy field due to all of these negative feelings being trapped inside them without being able to express themselves properly so instead they just build up over time until eventually something snaps - usually resulting in an outburst from either side involved(s). This can sometimes lead down an unhealthy path where one person becomes dependent upon another person for support rather than seeking out professional help themselves; leading both parties further into darkness rather than light.

You can use obsidian as jewelry, or keep it in your pocket or bag for protection during times of uncertainty.

You can use obsidian as jewelry, or keep it in your pocket or bag for protection during times of uncertainty. Obsidian is a protective stone that will help you stay grounded during stressful times. You can also wear obsidian jewelry to protect yourself from negative energy, which will help reduce anxiety and stress levels.

If you're interested in learning more about how to use obsidian in your everyday life, check out this article!

Obsidian can help you move beyond your fears and into a new life path.

Obsidian can help you move beyond your fears and into a new life path. Obsidian is a stone that can be used in meditation to allow you to see past issues and old wounds, so that you can heal and move on.

It's also good for helping people who feel stuck or need to make changes in their lives.

Uses of Obsidian

Obsidian is a naturally occurring volcanic glass that has been used for various purposes for thousands of years. Here are some examples of the uses of obsidian:

  1. Cutting and scraping tools - Obsidian has been used as a cutting and scraping tool since ancient times due to its sharp edges and durability. It was used by early humans to make knives, arrowheads, and other sharp tools.

  2. Spiritual and healing practices - Obsidian is believed to have strong spiritual and healing properties, making it a popular stone for meditation, energy healing, and other spiritual practices. It is said to help release negative energy and promote emotional healing and spiritual growth.

  3. Decorative objects - Obsidian's unique colors and patterns make it a popular material for decorative objects such as sculptures, vases, and jewelry. It is also used for ornamental purposes in architecture and design.

  4. Industrial uses - Obsidian's hardness and durability make it useful in industrial applications such as the production of cutting tools, abrasive materials, and even surgical scalpels.

  5. Geological study - Obsidian is also used by geologists to study the formation and history of volcanic eruptions. Its composition and structure can provide insights into the conditions under which the volcano erupted, and its age can be determined through radiometric dating.

Overall, obsidian is a versatile material with a wide range of uses, from practical applications such as cutting tools to spiritual and healing practices. Its unique properties and aesthetic appeal make it a popular choice for a variety of applications.

What zodiac must wear obsidian?

There is no specific zodiac sign that must wear obsidian. However, obsidian is said to be particularly beneficial for Scorpios and Sagittarians.

For Scorpios, obsidian is believed to provide protection from negative energies and enhance intuition and psychic abilities. It is also said to help Scorpios release negative emotions and promote emotional healing.

For Sagittarians, obsidian is said to enhance focus and mental clarity, making it easier to achieve goals and make decisions. It is also believed to help Sagittarians overcome feelings of self-doubt and promote self-confidence.

However, anyone can benefit from wearing obsidian, regardless of their zodiac sign. As mentioned earlier, obsidian has a range of spiritual and healing properties that can benefit anyone who uses it.


Obsidian is a powerful tool for healing and moving forward with your life. It can help you clear out old wounds, fears and traumas so that you can move forward in a new way. If you're looking for something to help with this process, then consider using obsidian as part of your everyday life!

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