Crystal Healing to Cope with Depression

Crystal Healing to Cope with Depression

Crystal Healing to Cope with Depression

Mental health has been in the crosshairs of modern times since the world transcended regular major wars, and the purpose of life has been shrunk down to more mundane daily lives. Stress, anxiety, frustration are more common in the world than they have ever been.
But when it comes to mental health failures, depression has to be the biggest one. It is when the taste buds of life are devoid of any flavor at all. It is a state of sadness where expressing even grief becomes difficult. It is one mental illness that is serious enough to be considered as serious as any other fatal disease.
The meaning or the will to keep going on starts seeming redundant, and the only sweet release the affected person can think of is either on the other end of a noose or an alternative even more gruesome. The will to climb out of this deep, pitch-black hole of misery is usually absent in severe cases, and some cases are of people who have accepted their skewed view of their life and start becoming functional with their depression.
Only the individual knows how deep in the well they are, whether it is visible to the outside world or not. There is so much help available for this chronic illness now. There is therapy, and medication that one can be on to cope up with this, but one excellent way to cope with it is through crystal healing.
Crystal healing has been synonymous with promoting positivity and other forms of healing energy to lift one’s spirit out of the slumber. So here are some crystals people suffering from depression can use.


Bronzite is considered to be one of the super-stones for depression since it brings hope to the soul and brings empowerment to overcome fears, helplessness, and indecisiveness. It brings stability and control.

Pink Opal

Pink Opal
Excellent for dealing with emotional pain and trauma, Pink Opal brings soft feminine energy for its use which can be just the thing for depressed people. Its energy brings forgiveness for the self, compromise, generosity, and self-love.

Yellow Quartz

Yellow Quartz
With the energy of the sun, yellow Quartz brings joyful warm energy. By keeping it close people who are depressed can experience more joy and vitality, feeling full of life. It gives us hope and redirects our thoughts towards finding solutions to the many problems that make us feel this terrible way.

Blue Goldstone

Blue Goldstone
A stone of confidence and ambition, Blue Goldstone’s entry on this list is for people whose depression is rooted n their lack of self-worth. With its boost of positive confidence and energy, dragging yourself out of the whole seems rather easier.

Orgonite Crystals is an online store that provides beautifully handcrafted healing crystals & Energy stone products.

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Our highlight is that we provide products at the most affordable rates, helping you fill your life with positivity, along with budget savings.
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