The Best Crystals For Long Distance Friendships To Unlock The True Potential of Each Friendship

The Best Crystals For Long Distance Friendships To Unlock The True Potential of Each Friendship


Are you a long distance friend? If so, you know the struggle is real. I mean, it's tough to maintain a genuine connection with someone when they're not physically present in your life. And that can be even harder when you don't live in the same city and state as them! Luckily for us, crystals have some pretty magical properties that can help us out with those struggles...especially when it comes to loving our friends from afar. In this article I'll be breaking down which crystals are best for strengthening relationships with your long distance friends (and making them even more special).

Blue Calcite

Blue Calcite is a great crystal to use for long distance friendships because it helps you stay connected and feel closer to your friend. Blue Calcite is a very calming and soothing crystal, which makes it perfect for long distance friendships. If you're going through some hard times in your relationship or friendship, this crystal will help ease the stress so that you can focus on what's important: having fun together!

The energy of blue calcite is very soothing and calming. It's a great crystal to have around if you are feeling stressed out or overwhelmed. It will help you feel more relaxed and at ease, which can be especially helpful for those who work in high-stress environments.

It is a great crystal to use for long distance friendships because it helps you stay connected and feel closer to your friend. Blue Calcite is a very calming and soothing crystal, which makes it perfect for long distance friendships. If you're going through some hard times in your relationship or friendship, this crystal will help ease the stress so that you can focus on what's important: having fun together!

Rose Quartz

Rose Quartz is a stone of self-love and self-forgiveness. It is the stone of universal love, compassion, and peace. The vibration of Rose Quartz can help to open the heart, chest, throat chakras and all other chakras it comes in contact with. This is why it's such an amazing crystal for long distance friendships!

Rose Quartz helps clear negative energy from your aura while aligning you with your higher self so that you may live in harmony with others on Earth as well as within yourself. If you are experiencing any type of struggle within your friendship then I would highly recommend using this crystal as often as possible until things start feeling better between both parties again

. This can be done by carrying the crystal with you in your pocket or even by placing it on your nightstand. You may also want to place a small amount of Rose Quartz in each room of your house if you feel it's appropriate. The vibration of this stone is extremely calming and soothing, especially when placed near water.


Citrine is a stone of abundance, and it can help you to manifest what you want. This crystal is also said to ward off negative energy and attract prosperity into your life.

  • Citrine crystals have been used in jewelry and other decorative pieces since ancient times because they're beautiful stones with lots of sparkle! They come in many different shades, including yellow, orangey-browns, golds or even greens - so there's one that will suit your taste!

Citrine crystals are said to help you to feel more confident and happy, so they're great for people who suffer from low self-esteem or anxiety. Citrine is also thought to enhance creativity and intuition, so it's a good stone for artists and writers!


Moonstone is the stone of new beginnings. It is a stone of intuition, insight and inspiration, helping you to connect with your higher self and discover your true purpose in life. Moonstone also aids psychic awareness by stimulating the third eye chakra.

Moonstone brings good fortune and abundance, as well as enhancing communication between people.

It is also a stone of love, helping you to express yourself and your feelings. Moonstone has been used as an amulet to protect against negative energy and psychic attack.


Amethyst is a purple crystal that helps to promote peacefulness and calm nerves. It can also reduce stress, anxiety, insomnia and depression. Amethyst is one of the most popular crystals for its ability to help with headaches as well.

Amethyst is a stone of spirituality and meditation, helping to open the mind to higher states of consciousness. It can also be used for protection from psychic attacks or negative energy, protecting against nightmares and enhancing dream recall.

If you're feeling down in a long distance friendship and need some motivation, Blue Calcite is a great crystal to use. It will help bring out your best qualities and encourage you to maintain a positive outlook on lifeAmethyst is said to be helpful in treating addictions, especially those related to alcohol or drugs. It can also help with insomnia and relieve stress..

Rose Quartz

Rose Quartz is the stone of unconditional love. It's a stone of gentleness and healing, compassion and empathy, peace and harmony.

Rose Quartz is also known as "the love stone" because it helps you to open your heart chakra so that you can receive love from others (and yourself).

Rose Quartz will help you to build friendships with people who support each other in their journey towards higher consciousness.

Rose Quartz will help you to open your heart chakra so that you can receive love from others (and yourself). Rose Quartz will help you to build friendships with people who support each other in their journey towards higher consciousness.

Clear Quartz

Clear Quartz is a highly protective and cleansing stone. It's also known as the "master healer," and it can help you to heal physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. Clear Quartz is a stone of clarity, which helps to keep you focused on your goals. If you're trying to achieve something in life or your friendship with someone who lives far away from you then this crystal should be used in conjunction with other crystals such as Citrine and Amethyst (both quartz) or Rose Quartz (also quartz).

Clear Quartz is also a stone of prosperity, which can help you to manifest your desires. It's also said to be an excellent stone for manifesting wealth and abundance in your life. If you're trying to do something like make more money or get a new job then this crystal should be used in conjunction with other crystals such as Citrine, Amethyst and Rose Quartz.

Lapis Lazuli

Lapis Lazuli is a stone that can be used to enhance your psychic abilities. It's also a great crystal for those who are interested in learning more about the spiritual world and gaining knowledge of the future.

Lapis Lazuli helps you connect with angels and spirit guides, so if you're looking for guidance or answers from beyond this world, then this crystal is perfect for you!

Lapis Lazuli is also a great crystal for those who are interested in learning more about the spiritual world and gaining knowledge of the future. Lapis Lazuli helps you connect with angels and spirit guides, so if you're looking for guidance or answers from beyond this world, then this crystal is perfect for you!


There you have it! The best crystals for long distance friendships. I hope this article was helpful to you in some way and that you were able to find something special in each of these crystals. If nothing else, remember that they are all powerful stones with many different uses--so don't be afraid to experiment!

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