The Many Benefits Of Orgone Energy

The Many Benefits Of Orgone Energy

The Concept of Orgone energy coined by Wilhem Reich has garnered quiet a lot of attention among the people. Orgone energy devices called as Orgonites are generally made up of three basic components- resin, quartz crystal and metal shavings. This unique combination had the capability to convert DOR (Deadly Orgone Energy) in to POR (Positive Orgone Energy).

While creating orgone  energy devices and using the devices, many users have reported of the many benefits that one can reap from Orgone energy. So, for all those who are still unsure about Orgone energy and also for those who feel attracted towards the energy may read on to find out the benefits and make a decision for themselves.

  • Turn Mobile Towers into Positive Energy Transmitters- It has been noted that when towerbusters are placed closely they flip the output of negative and harmful energies from mobile towers into positive ones. Thus, orgone energy has the power to protect us from the harmful emissions from our surroundings.
  • Protect From all Forms of EMF Radiations-After conducting a number of tests, it has been shown that orgone energy devices strengthen a person’s aura. This prevents the negative energies from entering our energy fields.
  • Enhances the mood- Many users of orgone devices have claimed to experience an upliftment in the mood post the implementation of the device. This is because orgone energy enables continuous flow of positive energy into our bodies. This makes a person feel positive and experiences enhanced moods.
  • Peaceful Sleep and Vivid Dreams- One of the most common benefit observed from orgone energy is that it regularizes the sleep and cultivates a sense of restfulness. In a orgone rich environment people tend to sleep better and dreams become more vivid. In many cases the waking recollection level also increases.
  • Aids in Abundant Plant Growth- Orgone energy is said to have a very good impact on the growth of flora. The plants are noted to grow vigorously and fruits and veggies have larger yields, taste better and also have a greater level of life force energy when dowsed.
  • Keeps Food Fresh for Longer- This has again been documented by many people. A fruit/food sitting on an orgone charging plate consistently is observed to be eaten fpr several days than expected. Thus, orgone energy not accelerates food growth, but also helps preserve it longer naturally.

To name a few other benefits- Offers protection from Sunburn (research is still being done to fully confirm this), Manifestation Aid, Structures and purifies water and so on.



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