What Is Larimar? Meaning & Benefits, Everything To Know About The Blue Gemstone

What Is Larimar? Meaning & Benefits, Everything To Know About The Blue Gemstone


Larimar is a rare blue gemstone that has only recently been discovered by the rest of the world. It's known for its healing properties and has been used for centuries by native Americans in their rituals. In this article, we'll learn about what larimar is, where it comes from and what makes it such an unusual and special stone.

What Is Larimar?

Larimar is a silicate mineral that was first discovered in the Dominican Republic in 1974. It's found in blue, white and green colors and has become popular as a gemstone due to its beautiful appearance.

Larimar can be used to make jewelry or other decorative items such as sculptures, lamps and more. While Larimar has been around since 1974, it wasn't until the 1980s when it became more widely known among people throughout Europe and America thanks to its use in jewelry making by designer Robert Procopio who sells his creations under the name "Larimar Creations".

Meaning Of Larimar

Larimar is a blue variety of pectolite found only in the Dominican Republic. It was first discovered in 1974, and it's been popular since then as a jewelry stone.

Larimar has many meanings, including "healing" and "love." Its name comes from two words: larva (meaning "light") and mar (meaning "sea"). The gemstone represents love for the ocean and peace on Earth--it's perfect for anyone who wants to feel connected with their surroundings!

The Origin Of Larimar

Larimar is a rare blue gemstone that's found in the Dominican Republic. It's formed under extreme heat and pressure for millions of years in a formation of volcanic rock called Barahona dolomite. Larimar was first discovered by Dr. Leopoldo Alberto Pou, who was working with a team from the University of Puerto Rico when he discovered it on June 15th, 1966 on La Maroma Mountain near Bayahibe Beach in the Dominican Republic (source).

The name "larimar" comes from two Spanish words: "laria," meaning "to shine" and "mar," which means sea or ocean; therefore, larimar translates to "shining sea."

Benefits Of Larimar

Larimar is a great stone for the heart, lungs and kidneys. It also helps with stress and anxiety. If you have trouble sleeping at night this stone can help you get a good night's rest. It is also good for the throat and thyroid gland (a butterfly-shaped organ in your neck that produces hormones).

If you are sensitive to energy then Larimar will be beneficial to you because it does not carry much of its own energy, instead it takes on whatever energy is around it at the time so it won't overwhelm your system like other stones might do if they were too strong for you

The blue color of larimar is due to the presence of cobalt, which forms under extreme heat and pressure for millions of years.

The blue color of larimar is due to the presence of cobalt, which forms under extreme heat and pressure for millions of years. Cobalt is a hard, shiny silver-white metal that can be found in many minerals. In its pure form (cobaltite), it's called "proustite" or "pyrargyrite."

Cobalt forms deep within Earth's mantle and then rises up through cracks in volcanic rock where it mixes with other minerals such as olivine (a silicate mineral) and calcite (a carbonate mineral). When these two meet, they create larimar!

Larimar is found only in specific locations in the Dominican Republic, in a formation of volcanic rock called Barahona dolomite.

Larimar is found only in specific locations in the Dominican Republic, in a formation of volcanic rock called Barahona dolomite. It's not found anywhere else in the world.

The gemstones are colored by manganese and iron oxide (which gives them their blue color) that was deposited during an eruption about 20 million years ago.

You'll often see larimar as small, rounded crystals or blocks, though sometimes it will be polished into free-standing stones (called cabochons) or faceted gemstones.

You'll often see larimar as small, rounded crystals or blocks, though sometimes it will be polished into free-standing stones (called cabochons) or faceted gemstones. The most common colors of larimar are blue-green with hints of white and yellow.

Larimar is found only in the Dominican Republic and its name comes from "Larissa," which means "gem" in Greek. The stone was discovered by chance in 1970 when miners were digging for sapphires at Barahona Hill near Higuero Beach on Hispaniola's north coast. Only a few people were allowed to mine this site because most of it was privately owned land belonging to one family who had owned this area since colonial times; they sold their rights to another company in 1992 after protests from environmental groups led by local residents concerned about pollution from mining operations as well as damage done by tourists who came looking for souvenirs!

Larimar has been used for centuries by the Taino people (native Americans who lived in the Caribbean), who believed that it had spiritual significance, including healing powers and protecting them from evil spirits.

Larimar has been used for centuries by the Taino people (native Americans who lived in the Caribbean), who believed that it had spiritual significance, including healing powers and protecting them from evil spirits.

They also used larimar for body adornment and jewelry. The rare gemstone has a unique blue color that cannot be found anywhere else on earth.


The blue color of larimar is due to the presence of cobalt, which forms under extreme heat and pressure for millions of years. Larimar is found only in specific locations in the Dominican Republic, in a formation of volcanic rock called Barahona dolomite. You'll often see larimar as small, rounded crystals or blocks, though sometimes it will be polished into free-standing stones (called cabochons) or faceted gemstones

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